
Star warfare alien invasion common sense media
Star warfare alien invasion common sense media

star warfare alien invasion common sense media

ILLUMINAE is a file of documents making up the story of what happened to two teens after a catastrophic attack on the tiny mining space colony where they lived. The lead characters are strong and likeable and the story poses some interesting questions about what life might be like with the development of AI That said, I enjoyed reading it myself and agreed to buy book two for my daughter because she really loved it. the use of a bio weapon (a man made virus) which turns people into murdering psychopaths nuclear warfare, including thousands of innocent people being blown up extreme violence, although it’s not particularly descriptive or graphic lots of sexual innuendos and lewd comments in the form of email chats (which may well go over the heads of younger readers) So for other parents of younger readers it contains the following: If I had known exactly what was in the book I probably would have waited a couple more years before buying it for my daughter (she picked it herself off the shelf at Kmart). It’s a fast paced and thought provoking sci-fi told from a collection of documents, email conversations, security footage reports and the mad ramblings of an AI system who controls one of the space ships. I read this book after my daughter (almost 12) read it in record time and immediately asked for book two.

Star warfare alien invasion common sense media